Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Axe

Well, it happened.  Just when I was noticing how many other bloggers that I get ideas from were all getting released, Iwas released too.  :(  I have a great new calling but I'm soooo sad to be leaving my Primary singers.  Luckily for me, I still get to use my singing in Nursery.  So, I'm hoping I can continue posting and catch up on last year eventually. :)


  1. I have been casually checking your blog and I am sorry to hear you will not be posting about sharing time any longer! Good Luck in Nursery! I wanted to tell you about a fun incentive program my ward has begun using for our Primary kids. They are plastic tags, "brag tags" that have fun images on them to encourage participation in anything from saying prayers to learning the Articles of Faith. This program is so fun for kids and motivates them with a simple inexpensive reward they can keep and wear or show any day of the week. Several kids in my primary class have already earned tags for being reverent and for bringing their scriptures. I found them at I think your followers will love these for their primary and nursery kids also! Renee

  2. Thank you Renee! I'm excited to check it out! Thank you for sharing. I love new ideas.
